Plans for PlingoBall Gaming Resort 2.First Official PlingoBall Gaming Tournament 3.Exclusive sneak peak of new PlingoBall game 4.How to Play PlingoBall 5.PlingoBall SlotGaming Goes Live
- Plans for PlingoBall Gaming Resort
The team at PlingoBall is busy gearing up for the grand opening of our new resort! This will be the first ever gaming resort to offer our one-of-a-kind PlingoBall experience. We can't wait to open our doors and welcome guests from all over the world!
In addition to our amazing PlingoBall games, the resort will also feature a variety of other casino games, including slots, poker and blackjack. And for the kids (or kids at heart), we'll have a game zone with arcade games and a redemption store. There's something for everyone at our resort!
We're also excited to announce our first official PlingoBall Gaming Tournament! This will be a chance for players from all over to come and compete for some amazing prizes. More details on the tournament will be released soon, so stay tuned!
- Exclusive sneak peak of new PlingoBall game
As we prepare for the grand opening of our resort, we wanted to give you all a sneak peak of one of our new PlingoBall games. This game is called "PlingoBall SlotGaming" and it combines the excitement of slots with the fun of PlingoBall. Players will spin the reels to try and win cash prizes, and then use those same coins to play PlingoBALL in order to multiply their winnings!
We think this game is going to be a lot of fun, and we can't wait for everyone to try it out! Be sure to keep an eye out for more information on SlotGaming in the coming weeks.
- How to Play PlingoBall
If you're new to PlingoBall, or just need a refresher on how to play, don't worry – we've got you covered! Here are the basics:
Each player is given 7 balls which they must place into any of the 21 slots on the board. The goal is to get as many balls into consecutive matching colors as possible. For example, if you have three blue balls in your hand, you would want to place them all in a row on the board. The first player to run out of balls loses the game.
There are a few other things worth mentioning: first, you can win bonus coins by getting balls into special slots on the board (these are marked with stars). Secondly, if you manage to make a "Lingo" (5 consecutive balls in matching colors), you will earn an extra ball AND double your points! Finally, there are special wild cards which can be used once per game in order to replace any ball color of your choice. 2 4 . Playing Pl ingo Ball Slot Gaming
Just like regular Pl ingo Ball , Slot Gaming has mul tiple slots wit h variou s numbers of spaces th e ball may fi ll . Wh en playing , th e bal ls wi ll automat ica lly fill th e slot s from left-to-rig ht ; so if Spieler A (pla yer A) has Blue balLS in hand 1 - 3 then Slot 1 woul d auto mati call y geT f ille d wiTH Bl ue baL LS f rom hand 1 st anD Spieler B's ha nd 4 - 7 wo ul d go int o Sl ot 2 . I f th ey had Red bal ls i n han d 8 - 1 0 , then S lot 3 woul d fil l wi th Red bal ls . NoW Spieler B'S ha nd 1 1 - 15 woul d go int o Sl ot 4 . So Spieler A's ha nd 16 - 21 goe s back into his/ her reserve pool .
At this point , each pla yer should have 5 bal LS left (4 +reserve) . Spiel er A & B conti nu e playin g by auto matically fillin g Slot 5 an d 6 respecti vely as show n bel ow:
_ _ Blue baLLS _ _ _ __Yellow baLLS | | | |Slot 5 |Slot 6
When Player A runs out of Balls then they lose
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